Alison Chace, actress and women’s empowerment entrepreneur, has landed three roles in a diverse medley of productions. First up is Chace’s role in “The Gringo Hunters,” produced by Imagine Television and Redrum and directed by Adrian Grunberg. The show will highlight an elite Mexican police unit hunting fugitives, many of them Americans, based on a Washington Post article written by Kevin Sieff titled “A U.S. murder suspect fled to Mexico. The Gringo Hunters were waiting.” The Washington Post is attached to the upcoming show, which the streaming service highlights as part of its “commitment to show the true Mexico on Netflix.”
Chace will also play a lawyer named Donielle, who is ensnared in a web of cartel connections in “Rancho Humilde’s Cosa de la Clika,” a collaboration with rapper Master P and Mexican sensation Jaydee, and will take on the role of Governor Barber, a formidable antagonist brushing off an earthquake disaster, in “Continental Split,” a high-concept drama produced by The Asylum, the studio behind the Sharknado franchise.
Alison Chace is known for her recent roles in “Succession,” “FBI,” “Dear Edward,” and “Law & Order,” and has also directed an award-winning documentary, “Under The Same Sky.” Chace champions women through her online community Pink Wisdom and her emergent full-scale independent studio, LMC Productions.